Parent Vue and Blackboard FAQs
Parent Vue FAQs
Q: My mobile app isn't working.
A: This is due to the domain change from RCS to RCPS. Delete the app and reinstall it. This will automatically reconnect you to the new domain.
Q: I forgot my password/my password isn't working.
A: Access Parent Vue throught the Roanoke County Web Page, click on the Parents and Students tab and choose "I'm a Parent." Last step is to choose "Forget your password? Click here!"
Blackboard FAQs
Q: Why can't I access Blackboard from the shortcut I created last year? Or, why doeesn't my link from my favorites work?
A: The domain change has made all links and bookmarks invalid. Delete the bookmark or the shortcut and access Blackboard through the Roanoke County Webpage, click on the Parents and Students Tab and re-bookmark or add your favorite from there.