Technology Help Desk
Welcome to the Technology Help Desk!
Mr. Ryan Pidcock and Mrs. Kim Booth head up our technology team here at GHS. This page is dedicated to helpful, troubleshooting tips that address many FAQs that have been asked over the years. Look to the left in the green bar for specific topics listed underneath the heading "Technology Help Desk." If you do not see your topic addressed, please reach out to one of us via email.
Common Q & A
☐ Can I get a loaner laptop or charger I left mine at home today?
- RCPS does not give out loaner laptops or chargers EXCEPT for SOL testing
☐ I accidentally broke my laptop, do I have to pay to have it fixed?
- You will be charged for damages if:
- They are deemed INTENTIONAL
- They are a result of negligence such as leaving your laptop outside in a rain storm
- Loss of the laptop or laptop equipment
- Students are REQUIRED to turn in all three laptop items with matching laptop ID numbers at the end of the year.
- Example- John Doe was issued HS20001. That laptop ID number is on his laptop, laptop bag, and laptop charger. If he doesn’t turn in any of those 3 items, he will be charged for replacing it before being issued a laptop the following school year/graduation.
- If you turn in another student’s charger but the one with your laptop ID number, you will be charged for replacing your missing charger.
☐ What can I do to fix my computer or make it run faster?
- Daily restarts of your computer will help flush out any software running in the background as well as help pull important system updates. RCPS pushes out updates on the 14th of every month or the following Monday if that day falls upon a weekend.